Information for Publishers

All photos on this website are available for publication — many more are available upon request.

Please note that these images are low resolution, for website use. For publication we supply high res digital files, which have much better color, sharpness, and tonality — sized to your specifications.

Our images are available for one-time use, at rates to be negotiated. 
A credit line is required: "© John & Ann Mahan."

Widely published, for more than 40 years we have specialized in the Great Lakes ecosystem, and have thousands of images covering all 5 Great Lakes. (We also have images from New Zealand.) For publication credits and more information about our work, see “About Us.”

We encourage you to visit our Photo Galleries for examples of our work. If you are interested in publishing any of the photos displayed, or if you have other photo needs from the Great Lakes ecosystem, please feel free to contact us.

Our terms:

1) A credit line is required -- "copyright John & Ann Mahan" (fee is tripled without credit line).
2) A free copy of uses appearing in print shall be provided to us — digital copies are acceptable.
3) No rights are granted without payment.
4) One time rights only. We must be contacted to obtain additional rights such as revision or republication of this work in any media, including traditional print, electronic and digital media, as well as in media not yet known.